Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



What is Acupuncture?

A clinical procedure rooted from TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) which was developed in China some 5,000 years ago. A natural means of restoring health and preventing future illnesses by changing flow of body’s energy system (or “chi”), the life force of our existence. Derived from the Latin words “acus” (needle) and “puncture”

What happens during the initial acupuncture session?

  • Diagnosis of the individual’s energy system is determined through the person’s medical and family history, individual lifestyle, current state of various functions (i.e., sleep, appetite) and the presenting complaint. This initial examination is critical and is the foundation upon which treatments are based.
  • Further diagnosis is determined through practical observations such as facial colour, voice, pulse, tongue, emotional state and nature of symptoms.
  • The necessary treatment is determined in order to re-establish the correct energy flow for the individual, which then allows the body to heal itself.

What will I experience during the first session?

  • You may feel some heaviness, tingling, or electrical sensation up or down the affected meridian
  • Any discomfort is usually mild and temporary
  • You will usually feel deeply relaxed after the first session
  • A person with complicated health issues usually feels a slight aggravation of the symptoms (a common feeling for the person who has taken numerous drugs or has a lifestyle that predisposes them to toxic overload). This aggravation of the symptom is a result of the acupuncture reactivating the energy system, nervous system and eliminatory organs which have been suppressed by drugs and toxins.

How should I prepare before a treatment? Is there anything else I should know beforehand?

  • You should not be extremely hungry or overly full before each treatment.
  • Try to relax before and after treatments.
  • Bring a description of any medications or supplements you are currently taking.
  • Pregnant women, haemophiliacs, people with blood disorders, cardiac pacemakers and communicable diseases such as hepatitis and AIDS or HIV should consult the acupuncturist prior to beginning treatment (some points cannot be used in cases like these).

Is acupuncture painful?

  • Acupuncture is essentially a painless procedure. You will feel a slight pricking on your skin, and some tugging or aching sensation may be felt when the needle is first inserted but this passes quickly.
  • During the procedure, it is important to advise the acupuncturist if you feel any persistent discomfort so that the needle position or pressure can be adjusted to eliminate the discomfort.

What conditions can be treated by Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient natural method of treating various conditions and has been used over centuries all over the world. According to WHO (World Health Organization), the following conditions can be treated through acupuncture:

Acute sinusitis
Acute rhinitis
Acute conjunctivitis
Acute bronchitis
Central retinitis
Acute/chronic colitis
Frozen shoulder
Gastric hyperacidity
Acute/chronic gastritis
Sequelae of polio (early gingivitis state)
Acute/chronic pharyngitis
Peripheral neuropathies
Simple cataracts
Oesophageal, cardiac spasms
Intercostal neuralgia
Chronic pain relief
Acute duodenal ulcer (simple)
Toothaches (after extraction)
Acute bacillary dysentery
Bronchial asthma
Common colds
Facial palsy (early stage)
Tennis elbow
Enuresis (bed-wetting)
Trigeminal neuralgia
Paresthesia following stroke
Sciatica/low back pain
Duodenal ulcer
Myopia (in children)
Headaches and migraines
Cervicobrachial syndrome
Paralytic ileuss

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What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is the science which concerns itself with the relationship between structure, primarily the spine, and function, primarily the nervous system, of the human body as that relationship may affect restoration and preservation of health. Chiropractic is a drugless health care method of not only relieving pain, but also restoring health. Chiropractic doctors remove restrictions and balance the body through specific movements of the spine (called a chiropractic adjustment) and assist the body to heal naturally. Exercise, diet and supplement recommendations, good body mechanics and posture are all part of care provided by chiropractors. Foot Orthotics and Laser Therapy are also chiropractic services provided at Coquitlam Integrated Health.

How does Chiropractic Work?

Chiropractic works through restoring the normal function of the spine (and other) joints of the body and allowing the body’s natural healing processes to take effect. In essence, we remove the restrictions to healing. Chiropractic is a health care system which involves correcting misaligned joints in the spine, to restore normal nerve function to the body which allows healing. In addition to correcting the spine, chiropractors should give you corrective stretches and strengthening exercises to stabilize the spine.

What kinds of problems do chiropractors treat?

Chiropractic can help with conditions such as:

headachesneck pain/stiffnessarm pain/numbnessupper back pain/stiffnessshoulder painpostural problemslower back pain/stiffnessmuscle spasms sciaticaleg pain/numbnesspoor circulationcarpal tunnelhip painasthma and allergiesscoliosismuscle weakness

What do I do if I am in an accident?

If you are involved in an automobile accident or other type of accident that causes immediate pain or immobility, seek treatment immediately. If the injuries are treated within the first 5-7 days with chiropractic care then the healing process is greatly accelerated. If other treatment is necessary, your chiropractic doctor can refer you to a specialist

Can chiropractic help me?

Yes. Over 250 million people each year suffering from all types of ailments, not just neck and back pain, receive services from chiropractors. Dr. Janek treats patients from infants to elderly. Dr. Janek is one of only a few practitioners in British Columbia that has taken specific pre and post natal training.

Once I start, do I have to keep coming back?

You have probably heard that once you start going to a chiropractor you have to keep coming back. We understand that regular dental hygiene is important to keep our teeth healthy and strong, and we go in for check-ups regardless of whether we have a tooth ache or not. Same goes for our cars, we service them regularly to keep them running efficiently. It`s always easier to maintain something than it is to fix it.

Once we have eliminated your pain and we have corrected the original cause of your pain, we do recommend that you keep regular maintenance check-ups. We provide you with a complete stretching and strengthening program so your spine is more stable than before you started your treatments. For many of us, we can not stop doing the activities that gave us these problems to begin, whether we’re sitting at a computer desk, driving long hours, carrying heavy loads or caring for our dependants. However, with regular exercise and spinal strengthening exercises you will be able to hold your spinal adjustments better, and have the knowledge of minimizing or preventing future outbreaks. So the answer is that it is completely up to you. Most people choose to continue to keep a regular chiropractic maintenance schedule. This assures that your spine is in top shape as you apply the stresses of daily life to your body. It’s always reassuring that you know your not going to injure yourself picking up a piece of paper because your spine is well adjusted. Old wisdom says that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Is it safe?

Chiropractic is extremely safe for all individuals when done by a qualified professional. Some people may have conditions which may alter the technique used to treat the patient. These are identified through a thorough history, screening and examination. The treatments are natural and non-invasive. Research consistently shows that chiropractic care is among the safest health care available.

Does it hurt?

The treatments are generally painless. Most people look forward to them because they experience immediate relief and relaxation. As chiropractors, we’re trained in a variety of techniques and your treatments will be customized and tailored to your comfort levels.

Why would I need an adjustment?

Scientific research studies have proven that chiropractic is natural and effective in treating neck and back pain. Chiropractic helps with flexibility, increased nerve supply to all areas of the body, decreases stress and muscle tension and improves spinal integrity and stability.

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Who can benefit from NUCCA?

Although upper cervical chiropractors often end up seeing patients with fairly significant discomfort, the assessment that occurs allows the practitioner the ability to visualize and reduce the misalignment long before symptoms are present. The postural rebalancing created by the upper cervical adjustment allows for the body to have less gravitational stress and therefore the person can direct that now unused energy to self-healing, maintenance and thinking.

What makes NUCCA chiropractic spinal care unique compared to other care?

Generally the approach to the care of the spine is in two different ways. The majority of practitioners attempt to influence the spine in areas of segmental or local fixations to increase mobility and hope for improved structural stability. NUCCA, (as well as a few other chiropractic techniques), approach the spine with the ability to improve structural and sustained postural balance that leads to improved spinal stability along with balanced mobility. The benefit of NUCCA care is that long term spinal balance is maintained and that produces improved overall health and well-being. All spinal practitioners agree that spinal care is important. The approaches vary from localized segmental care of many providers to the NUCCA practitioners that offer upper cervical care that affects the whole body balance and the long term spinal stability.

How can I tell if I need an adjustment?

By paying attention to your body, you may become more sensitive to whether or not you are in alignment. Although some rely on the return of their symptoms to tell them when they’ve lost their alignment, we recommend patients to pay attention to their reflection in the mirror; paying attention to head tilt or a low shoulder for example. Other cues may include where they feel their weight distributed on their feet, or if a change in gait is observed. More subtle indications may even include having to adjust your car rearview and side mirrors. Even with all of these clues, it is still recommended that periodic chiropractic assessments be performed to verify proper balance.

My neck feels fine but my low back is sore. How can NUCCA help my lower back?

Your postural muscles are constantly working to maintain an upright posture. Postural distortion results in uneven weight distribution over all of your joint surfaces. The muscles throughout your neck, back, arms and legs will compensate for this shift in weight. Pain will show up in the area of greatest breakdown. The reduction of postural distortion provided by the NUCCA procedure decreases the stress on all areas of the body and allows for the possible relief of pain and proper healing. For detailed statistics on the likelihood of positive response to a variety of conditions click here.

What can I expect after my adjustment?

NUCCA has been shown to be very effective in reducing postural distortion. Whether or not a person’s postural distortion is related to symptoms they are exhibiting can only be determined by improving the posture and observing changes.

There are three possible effects that are demonstrated after an adjustment;

Person feels no significant change.

Person feels a change in symptoms with immediate improvement.

Person experiences new short-term symptoms associated with functioning in a new structural position.

How can such a light pressure make such dramatic changes? Although the patient feels only a slight pressure behind their ear while being adjusted, there is adequate force being put into the neck. Using the first vertebra and the weight of the head to gain a biomechanical advantage, the doctor places their own body on a calculated angle to ensure the adjustment is specific to the patient’s individual misalignment. The force generated by the doctor is transferred to the patient in such a gentle and precise fashion that many patients are unaware of any intervention whatsoever.

Do I get adjusted each visit?

How often you get adjusted is directly related to your body’s ability to maintain your alignment. You will be given recommendations throughout your period of care in the office which is intentioned to help you achieve and maintain an aligned state. Our goal is to adjust you as few times as possible, however quarterly to semi-annual assessments are usually recommended to assure that any progress isn’t lost along the way.

What can cause me to lose my alignment?

Thoughts, traumas, and toxins are all stressors that can contribute to a misaligned state.

How long until I am better?

The healing process takes time. If you were to break an arm, the medical physician would cast it and you would be instructed to keep it in the cast for approximately six to eight weeks. That is because this is the typical healing time for bone. When dealing with spinal misalignment, the integrity of the musculature and ligaments has been compromised and you must allow adequate time for these structures to heal in the aligned position. The longer your spine has been out of alignment, the more possible damage has occurred and therefore the more required healing time.

Why should I get checked when I’m feeling fine?

Symptoms can occur after years of altered function. We feel prevention and optimization is better that reactive, distress care.

Why are you looking at my feet if you are adjusting the top of my neck?

A leg length difference can be an indication of imbalance tone in your body’s musculature and therefore is one of our objective measures to determine whether or not you are in need of an adjustment. After an adjustment we will often check leg-length again and find that legs to be of balanced length.

Why are so many things positively affected by one procedure?

By improving spinal alignment people experience improved posture as correction of non-adapting reflexive contracture of skeletal musculature is attained. This postural balance leads to better body-weight distribution which improves the position of internal organs and helps protect those structures acting to stabilize the spine. As less energy is required to oppose gravity, you will have more energy to think, function, heal and maintain yourself.

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What should I expect during my first massage therapy visit?

We will ask you to fill out a health history form. Our therapist will begin by asking you general questions in order to establish what areas you would like worked on, if there are any conditions needing to be addressed and to determine if massage is appropriate for you. Your massage therapist may perform certain assessments, including checking your body alignment, and testing to evaluate your condition to see if you have any presenting complaints.

Where will my massage session take place?

We have three massage therapists and they each have their own warm, comfortable rooms. Soft music may be played to help you relax. You will lie on a table especially designed for your comfort.

What do I wear during the massage?

Depending on your therapist, you may or may not need to undress. For a full body massage, most people undress completely. However, you may choose to wear underwear. Your massage therapist will give you privacy to undress, and you will be covered with a sheet and blanket at all times except the area being worked on.

What do I do during a massage therapy treatment?

Relax, and make yourself comfortable. If your therapist wants you to adjust your position, she or he will either move you or will ask you to move what is needed. Otherwise, change your position anytime to make yourself more comfortable. Many people close their eyes and fall asleep completely during a session; others prefer to talk. It’s up to you. It is your massage, and whatever feels natural to you is the best way to relax. Do not hesitate to ask questions at any time.

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Laser Therapy

What is Laser Therapy?

Low Intensity Laser Therapy (LILT) is the use of light from a Low Intensity Laser Diode or an array of Superluminous Diodes to eliminate pain, accelerate healing and decrease inflammation.

Laser Therapy does not heat or cut tissue, unlike high intensity lasers. Many pharmacological treatments mask pain or only address the symptoms of the disease; Laser Therapy treats the underlying condition or pathology to promote healing. This means that the treatments are effective and the benefits of Laser Therapy are long lasting.

What conditions can be treated with Laser Therapy?

Laser Therapy can be used to treat a broad range of medical conditions, including musculoskeletal problems, arthritis, sports injuries, wounds, chronic and degenerative conditions, and dermatological problems.

How long does a treatment take?

Treatments can last between 15 minutes to over 1 hour depending on the condition and area being treated.

How many treatments are needed?

The number of treatments will vary with regard to the individual problem as every patient and condition responds to Laser Therapy uniquely. In a recent clinical report on over 1,000 patients treated with the BioFlex Professional Laser Therapy System, patients averaged slightly less than 10 treatments to resolve their condition. In some patients, 1 treatment is sufficient; however, on average, 3-25 treatments are required. In some cases, additional maintenance treatments may be recommended.

How much does one charge for treatment?

Fees are:

$ 50 for a half hour treatment

$ 80 for an hour treatment

Extended Health Insurance may cover the cost of laser therapy depending on the practitioner coverage that is providing the service. Please call for details.

Is Laser Therapy safe?

Hundreds of research studies have shown Laser Therapy to be safe and effective. Laser Therapy is non-invasive, non-toxic and non-thermal. Unlike other forms of radiation, Laser Therapy is beneficial rather than harmful to tissue.

Are there any contraindications?

Yes. Laser Therapy should be avoided in the following instances:

Over the womb for women in their first trimester of pregnancy

Over cancerous tumour

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Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

What procedure is involved in an initial TCM session?

TCM begins with the diagnosis of the individual’s energy system. The initial examination is the foundation upon which treatments are based. In the initial exam, various things are taken into account such as medical and family history, lifestyle, the state of various functional systems (i.e., sleep, appetite) and the presenting complaints. Observations are also made of facial colour, voice, pulse, tongue, emotional state and the nature of the symptoms. All this is essential in determining the necessary treatment required to re-establish correct energy flow so that the body may heal itself. After the assessment, a program is explained and a short acupuncture treatment is included.

What will I experience during a TCM session?

Usually involving the use of herbs, and acupuncture, you may feel some heaviness, tingling or electrical sensation up or down the affected meridian. If there is any discomfort, it is usually mild. After treatment, a deepened feeling of relaxation is usually felt.

If a person has a complicated health problem, sometimes a slight aggravation of the symptoms will occur. This type of reaction usually occurs with patients who have taken numerous drugs or have a lifestyle that predisposes them to toxic overload. The aggravation is a result of the acupuncture reactivating the energy system, nervous system and eliminatory organs which have been suppressed by drugs, toxins and metabolic waste.

Is there anything else I should know prior to my TCM treatment?

Yes. Patients should not be extremely hungry or overly full before treatments. Try to relax before and after treatments. Also, bring a description of medications you are currently taking treatments.

Please note that pregnant women, haemophiliacs, people with blood disorders, cardiac pacemakers and communicable diseases such as hepatitis and AIDS or HIV should consult the acupuncturist prior to beginning treatment (some points cannot be used in cases like these).

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Your feet are the foundation of your body. They support you when you stand, walk, or run. And they help protect your spine, bones, and soft tissues from damaging stress as you move around. Your feet perform better when all their muscles, arches, and bones are in their ideal stable positions.

The foot is constructed with three arches which, when properly maintained, give exceptional supportive strength. These three arches form a supporting vault that distributes the weight of the entire body. If there is compromise of one arch in the foot, the other arches must compensate and are subject to additional stresses, which usually leads to further compromise.

It’s a chain reaction.

Healthcare professionals know alleviating pain in one part of your body often requires treating a different part. The pain you feel in your neck could be caused by a misalignment in your spine that is caused by unbalanced positioning in your feet. See? It’s a chain reaction.

By stabilizing and balancing your feet, Foot Levelers orthotics enhance your body’s performance and efficiency, reduce pain, and contribute to your total body wellness. Our orthotics complement your healthcare professional’s treatment when you stand, walk, and live your active life.

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Coquitlam Integrated Health